Paramotor coaching day
Once you purchase this day it is valid for up to 12 months, pleasse ensure you contact us to book in a confirm a days training. NO EXTENESIONS ARE PERMITTED and our training sites are anywhere between Portsmouth, Petersfield, and newhaven, please ensure you can get to these areas, late arrivals or NO Shows will forfiet your day, we require 24 hours notice if you wish to cancel, and we will give you 24 hours notice if we need to cancel for any safety reason.
This is a weather dependant sport and as such we can NOT fly if its raining, snowing or the winds are too high or too variable.
Thats all the horrible stuff out of the way........
This is a whole day learning on an INTRO to paramotoring day. This is designed to give you an insight into what paramotoring is all about.
You are introduced to the equipment which includes glider, harness and helmet. You will not fly with a motor until day 5-7 seven dependant on your speed of learning, until then you will use the canopy without lugging the 20-30kg motor on your back.
You will learn to handle them on the ground and the basics of how to control them in the air. You will learn to take-off and land. Probably the most important part of flying.
During the day we will cover in basic terms the following, Airlaw, Weather, Principles of flight, Human Factors.
Once you gain some knowledge throught practice and repitition you will progress to learning a little about the paramotor and how to check it ready for flight and how to set it up correctly on your back.
Athough you will NOT fly with a motor on day one you will gain enought knowdlege to know if you wish to carry on with the sport.
You will use our equipment to do your intro day and then if you wish to continue you will need to purchase your own equipment, we can help you with this and will advise what equipment is best for you, based on how your training goes and what you want to do in your flying career.
A the end of the day you will walk away with a basic knowledge of how a paraglider and paramotor works and be able to make a descion if you wish to continue with the sport. No qualifications or insurance is included in this day.